As recruitment becomes a key issue in the post-covid recovery, companies can no longer afford to make mistakes. Here's a closer look at five practices to be avoided as a matter of urgency.
In this period of economic recovery, many companies want to recruit. Whether recruiters are in-house or delegate this mission to a firm, attracting qualified profiles at the expense of competitors in this war for talent requires compliance with certain rules.
Publish the job offer without communicating internally
In order to identify and attract the most relevant profiles, it is essential to clearly define the position to be filled, the needs and the essential skills. Before publishing the offer, organising an exchange between the recruiter and the manager looking for an employee will help the recruiter in his mission and attract the most qualified profiles for the position. The manager will be able to express his or her expectations and the recruiter will be able to better transcribe them and therefore better orient his or her search.
Ignoring the time factor
According to a Meteojob barometer conducted in January 2020, a recruitment process takes an average of 32 days and 84% of candidates believe that a process lasting more than a month is too long. Depending on the position to be filled or the profession, some companies do not hesitate to set up a process of six or even seven steps to make a final choice.
For engineering profiles, a real war for talent is taking place: companies have every interest in reducing the time and number of steps in the recruitment process, otherwise the candidate will move to a more agile structure.
To be efficient and move forward quickly, it is essential to reduce the time between each stage as much as possible by having regular internal communication between recruiters and department heads. Another solution: favour short tests on a specific aspect of expertise, carried out during the interview in 1 or 2 hours maximum.
Accepting doubt
Whether at the beginning or during the recruitment stages, checking the candidate's skills through tests or by checking references is essential. If the recruiter - internal or external - is not sure, he or she should not select the candidate. It is more prudent to check their recommendations quickly, then move on if the doubt is not removed. Otherwise, the recruiter risks contributing to the recruitment of an unsuitable candidate and therefore costing the company time, energy and money.
Thinking that only the candidate has to convince
Recruiting is above all a seduction operation between a candidate and an employer. This is why the recruiter must not forget to highlight the advantages of the position to make the future recruit want to join the company. Otherwise, the best profile could be tempted by another position, where the benefits have been highlighted by the team in charge of recruitment.
Do not transmit your feedback
Whether during the recruitment process or once the position has been filled, the recruiter has everything to gain by keeping candidates regularly informed. Knowing why a candidate's application has been rejected allows them to progress by working more on their skills and interpersonal skills. It also allows them to rethink their presentation. With qualified feedback, they will be able to know on which aspects to improve and will keep a positive image of the company if they were to apply again. They could even recommend a friend for another position.
In this war for talent, recruiting an employee requires a greater adaptation to the candidate, listening to him or her and taking care of the company's brand image to stand out from competing companies.