This article was originally published by Nicolas Apaire
The California-based company Onelogin, which specializes in identity and access management, conducted a survey of 5,000 professionals in Germany, France, Ireland, the United Kingdom and the United States, revealing cyber security failures within their Internet networks.
The company Onelogin unveils the results of a worldwide survey of 5000 people from five different countries in Europe and the United States. Focusing on cybersecurity and the development of teleworking in Germany, France, Ireland, the United Kingdom and the United States, the study alerts on the lack of knowledge of the people surveyed on the subject. Thus, according to this Onelogin, 17.4% of those surveyed share their professional password with their children or spouse. They take a major risk, should this password fall into the wrong hands.
The wifi security is also highlighted. Only 39% of British and French respondents have changed their wifi password in the last six months, compared to 49% of Germans and 63% of Americans. A quarter of those surveyed would never have changed their password. The study stresses that it is necessary to change one's password at least every three months to keep it safe.
These problems are accentuated by the long-term use of teleworking. The survey reveals that while only 50% of American and British employees would like to continue teleworking, these figures rise to 67% in Ireland and Germany, and 73% in France. A trend that must go hand in hand with the adoption of good security practices.
Onelogin, a company specializing in identity and access management, commissioned this survey from the English research firm OnePoll. They surveyed 5,000 teleworking employees in early April across Germany, Ireland, the UK, the US and France.