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  • Antoine Fonfreyde

Entrepreneurs: how to reduce the risk of burn-out for your employees?

Burn-out has become a major social phenomenon. Its impact on employees' health and companies' productivity makes it a serious problem for employers. In this article, we explore this phenomenon and suggest concrete ways to prevent these risks, ensure the well-being of your employees and guarantee the smooth running of your company.

In today's working world, burn-out has become an alarming reality. This subject, now a must for employers, must be treated seriously. Understanding and implementing preventive measures to ensure the health and safety of their teams is absolutely essential.

Understanding burn-out

What is burn-out?

Burn-out is a form of stress intensified by work-related factors. It is characterised by a state of extreme physical and mental fatigue, often linked to an overload of work, a lack of recognition, insufficient control over one's work, or a misalignment between individual and company values. This syndrome goes beyond the individual affected: it also impacts on the productivity of the company and the working atmosphere.

Burn-out is a complex, multifactorial phenomenon that cannot be reduced to a simple consequence of workload. Organisational dynamics, interpersonal relations at work, work-life balance, are all factors that can contribute to the occurrence of burn-out.

The consequences of burn-out

The impact of burn-out is far from negligible. On an individual level, it can lead to major physical and psychological problems: insomnia, anxiety disorders, depression and even cardiovascular problems. This often leads to a drop in productivity and a higher rate of absenteeism.

At company level, the consequences of burn-out can be just as worrying. Decreased productivity, disengagement, increased turnover, impact on the quality of work and the company's reputation are all risks associated with burnout.

How to prevent burn-out?

Identify the risks

Preventing burn-out starts with identifying Psychosocial Risks (PSR). These are stress factors linked to work, work organisation, professional relations and job security. As an employer, you play a key role in detecting and managing these risk situations.

It is essential to put in place tools and processes to regularly assess PSR in your company. Job satisfaction surveys, individual interviews, team meetings can be valuable tools to detect the warning signs of a possible burn-out.

Prevention strategies

Once PSRs have been identified, various strategies can be implemented to prevent burn-out. These include reorganising work to avoid overload, valuing employees' efforts and achievements, and promoting a respectful and caring work environment.

Education and training are also key elements of prevention. By training your employees in PSR, stress management techniques and work-life balance, you give them crucial tools to better cope with everyday challenges. It is also important to train managers to be able to spot the signs of burn-out and take the necessary action.

How to react in case of burn-out?

The employer's intervention

As an employer, your role is not limited to preventing burn-out. If, despite everything, one of your employees is suffering from burnout, you must act as quickly as possible. This may involve psychological support, reorganisation of the workstation, a period of rest or a career change.

Dealing with burn-out is a complex process that requires a multidimensional approach. It is therefore important to work closely with health professionals (occupational physician, psychologists) to offer appropriate support to the person in a burn-out situation.

The importance of follow-up

Follow-up is a fundamental step in the management of burn-out. It is not only a matter of ensuring the recovery of the person affected, but also of putting in place measures to prevent a recurrence. This may involve adjustments to the organisation of work, additional training, or the creation of a space for dialogue within the company to encourage the expression of difficulties and needs.

The prevention and management of burn-out are major challenges for companies. As an employer, it is your responsibility to look after the health and well-being of your employees. It is an investment that, in addition to improving the lives of your employees, can also have a positive impact on the productivity and reputation of your company.

Burn-out in figures:

There are no official figures on the number of people affected by burn-out in France, but several studies have estimated its extent:

  • According to Technologia, 3.2 million employees, i.e. 12% of the working population, are at risk of burn-out.

  • According to Empreinte Humaine, 34% of French employees are at risk of burnout, 13% of whom are in severe burnout, i.e. more than 2.5 million people.

  • The Association Vaincre le Burn Out estimates that 2,500,000 employees are suffering from burn-out and 5,780,000 employees are off work due to burn-out or depression aggravated by work.

Burn-out affects all categories of employees, but some are more exposed than others. Women, young people, teleworkers, and managers are particularly affected by psychological distress and burn-out. Human resources professions have also been on the front line since the beginning of the health crisis.

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