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Training for managers? An asset for the company

NETMEDIA International

Training allows project leaders and company managers to acquire certain key skills, to update their knowledge, to follow market trends, but also to meet and exchange with their peers.

In what profession can one consider that there is nothing to learn, or that it is not possible to progress? Certainly not in management. "When you start a company, it is essential to wear all sorts of hats and not be satisfied with just one or two skills learned during your studies or your professional career as an employee," says Arnaud Simon, head of the CCI Paris Young Business Creation Department. Among the key subjects to master: legal, commercial, communication to manage its presence online or on social networks, and management. This last skill is essential to be able to adapt quickly to constantly changing markets. "It is even preferable to have 10 out of 20 on all these subjects, rather than 15 out of 20 on two of them," adds Arnaud Simon.

Also, many organizations offer training in starting a business. A project leader can turn to the Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CCI), the Chambers of Trade and Crafts (CMA), Afpa (National Agency for Adult Vocational Training), Adie, support networks and professional federations, Pôle emploi or the training courses offered by approved management centers, mainly for managers of industrial, commercial, craft and agricultural companies.


Once these basic skills have been acquired, it is important not to neglect post-company training. Because the performance of companies depends on the ability of the manager to evolve and to lead change. "A manager who knows how to manage his company must also explore, seek the course and build the future of his company. It is therefore essential to have continuous training, throughout one's life, both in general areas to support the development of the company (strategy, regulations) and in specific and technical topics related to their field of activity. You have to constantly adapt," says Marc Billand, head of training consulting at BGE Yvelines.

An entrepreneur can also be interested in other relevant subjects such as stress management or intergenerational management. "Fewer managers take part in training after the creation of their company, because of their busy schedules. Those who manage to make themselves available are looking for tools to establish their structure, conquer new clients and raise funds. They turn to training courses where other more experienced business leaders come to give advice," adds Arnaud Simon.

To adapt to the constraints of business leaders' schedules, the networks are increasingly offering training in the evening or at a distance, like the BGE network. "An entrepreneur who receives support from our network has his own virtual office, his own online space. This digital tool allows him to make his project a success, to work on his vision and the development perspectives of his structure. They can also acquire new skills by using technical data sheets on social charges or legal status, for example," explains Marc Billand.


The mooc ("massive open online course") can also be interesting for any manager who wishes to follow a distance learning course. Often free or inexpensive, they allow targeted and rapid learning. For example, Ma Boîte offers free online training for entrepreneurs to set up their business project (market research, business model, communication, website).

For those who wish to create a social enterprise, the Essec Mooc allows entrepreneurs to build a specific business model or to measure the social impact of their project.

Another example: OpenClassrooms also offers several online courses to learn how to manage a team on a daily basis. All of these courses can be partially or fully paid for. "Since January 1, 2018, project holders can use the personal training account (CPF). For entrepreneurs who have already launched their structure, it's different. The OPCO (skills operators) can finance certain training for "assimilated employee" managers who fall under the general Social Security scheme. It costs 1,000 euros for a four-day session, and 560 euros for two days," says Marc Billand.

If the manager pays out of his own pocket, he can benefit from a tax credit capped at 40 hours per year multiplied by the hourly rate of the Smic, i.e. 406 euros for 2020. For example, for 10 hours of training in 2020, he will be able to deduct in 2021 a tax credit of 101.50 euros (10 x 10.15 euros the hourly wage in 2020).

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