To better understand its customers and anticipate major consumer trends, Castorama entered into a partnership with Alida technology in October 2021. One year later, the DIY store has already sent around 15 studies to its 6,000 members and has involved them in the launch of a new service.
Strengthening customer culture and anticipating consumers' needs for change. It is with this objective in mind that Castorama entered into a partnership with Alida in October 2021. Specialising in customer experience management, these solutions will enable the famous DIY store to improve its knowledge of its customers, explore a whole host of subjects related to the offer, services and trends, but also to animate its community via a hub and recruit members from a database that is enriched as studies are carried out.
"We want to develop our customer culture by placing the consumer at the centre of all decisions, from design to marketing. This tool allows each internal team to solicit customers at each stage of a project. In addition to the technical solutions, Alida's Customer Success Manager team supports us during bi-monthly meetings to discuss our practices and current projects, which reinforces our strategic positioning and enables us to be in line with our innovative approach," explains Céline Zuliani, head of the customer experience within Castorama's Digital Marketing Customer Department.
One year after the partnership was set up, the company has already sent around 15 studies to its 6,000 committed members. In particular, the company has offered its customers a preview of the new Hello Casto service, a voice assistant for DIY launched a few days ago. "This is both very rewarding for the members and enriching for the company. This approach has enabled us to identify and resolve potential malfunctions and to improve our proposal", confides Céline Zuliani. Another example: Castorama surveyed the members of the community on the perception of its responsible commitments in order to gain impact in the expression of its values and to completely redesign its "Commitments" web page.
Strengthening existing mechanisms
The deployment of this partnership is based on the launch of the Casto&vous community, on which the company relies to integrate consumers in strategic and operational decision-making. This community will reinforce the modernisation process begun in 2021 through its brand new platform embodied by the slogan 'Change us and move us forward' and will complement the existing customer experience measurement systems, quantitative and qualitative surveys, and feedback and opinion analysis, to provide more precise and closer perceptions. "Our ambition is to be even more attentive to consumers, to be at all levels, to identify trends, to optimise the customer journey, to identify irritants, to anticipate them and improve them", insists Céline Zuliani.
To animate its community and strengthen the commitment of its members, the company wants to go further. It recently asked its members to take part in its Christmas photo shoot in order to highlight them in its communication, and in 2023 it plans to offer them product tests.